
Friday, February 12, 2010

Proposed Maryland Open Government Act

I support the Maryland Open Government Act

Clicking on the above link takes you to a site to sign a petition to support the Maryland Open Government Act. This act would:

1. Allow the public free and total access to services provided on the General Assembly's website, including elimination of the $800 access fee charged for "up-to-the-minute" legislative tracking
2. Webcast General Assembly committee hearings and Board of Public Works meetings over the Internet
3. Post General Assembly committee hearing agendas at least one day in advance
4. Allow online sign-up for those wishing to testify before a General Assembly committee
5. Publish the votes of standing committees on the General Assembly's website
6. Post the Board of Public Works's proposed budget actions at least two weeks in advance
7. Allow for a public comment period in advance of Board of Public Works budget actions

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