
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Weast's absence left starving school children

While Superintendent Jerry Weast was in sunny Arizona, the school children that depend on him for food were starving.

One MCPS employee stepped up on her own to make a difference, but she could only help a small fraction of the children in need of food this week. 

Bravo to Marla Caplon for her initiative in helping students in need while the Superintendent was in Arizona.

Associated Press: String of snow days deprives many students of food

...Caplon is a food services supervisor for Montgomery County Public Schools, where about 43,000 children are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches. Some also get breakfast, dinner and bags of staple foods to take home for the weekend. The snow days meant children would get none of that until Tuesday, because schools are closed Monday for Presidents Day.
"We've been bothered by this all week," Caplon said.
So Caplon arranged for Manna Food Center, a local food bank whose board she chairs, to bring boxes of food Friday to two still-closed elementary schools...

...Manna's effort brought out smiles and expressions of gratitude. But the approximately 200 families who came to pick up provisions represent just a fraction of the need in Montgomery County, let alone the entire snow-battered region...


  1. What an inflammatory headline!I'm sure those were his exact intentions. (Please note the sarcasm!)

  2. Sorry if the reality is hard for you, it's hard on the students too.

    When someone is in charge, that means they are in charge in good weather and bad weather. Bad weather has consequences and the MCPS superintendent is compensated $489,763 to be in charge of running the school system and all that comes with that responsibility.

  3. What a piece of crap you wrote. Did you not notice the amount of snow? Was someone from every school suppose to make it to every school so food could be provided? The mission of a school is to teach. It so happens that our school system also feeds a lot of kids, which is why we have such a high school budget, but it is the responsibility of others to feed children all the time.

  4. Odd, there wasn't too much snow for Superintendent Weast to make his way to an airport and fly to Arizona.

    And in Arizona, he gave a presentation on how successful he is at serving the poor in his school district. The presentation even detailed how many MCPS students receive free and reduced meals every day. It even showed the kids in the lunch line.

    The AP news story above detailed one woman's efforts to feed students at two schools. Bravo to her for stepping up and caring about those in need during a crisis. She wasn't the only MCPS employee with this concern, but she found a way to make a dent in the urgent need.

  5. And - if it is the "responsibility of others" to feed children during a crisis, who exactly was the school system leader speaking up for the needs of these children and advocating for them during this crisis?


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