
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

CT group to interview students and teachers this week

A group from Norwalk, Connecticut will be in Rockville this week to interview students, teachers and school officials as part of the interview process for the next Superintendent of schools for Norwalk, CT.

MCPS Associate Superintendent Susan Marks is up for the job of Superintendent in Norwalk, CT. Currently, Marks is director of personnel for MCPS. 

What students and teachers will be interviewed as part of this process? Is this a typical part of the Superintendent selection process in all school systems? 

Next year will MCPS be sending a team to interview in the home area of MCPS Superintendent candidates? Has MCPS done this in the past? 

Norwalk News - The Hour: BOE group to observe Marks in Md. - Norwalk News - The Hour - Norwalk's Newspaper

The Norwalk Board of Education will send a group of five people to Rockland, Md.,[Rockville, Md.] this week to observe its finalist for superintendent of schools Susan Marks in her current role as associate superintendent for the Office of Human Resources for the Montgomery County Public Schools. 

The group, which will leave by train on Wednesday morning and return Thursday evening, will also talk to Montgomery school officials, teachers, and students about their impressions of Marks. Glenn Iannaccone, Board of Education chairman, said the purpose of the visit is to obtain "firsthand information" on the board's top pick to become the next superintendent of schools.

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