
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Needed: Persona to be credible

Gazette Letter to Editor:  Climate of silence at Churchill
...The dominant climate of silence at Churchill was borne of policies, high expectations, compliance, a performance-based school system and the ways that the principal has used her persona and power. Of the two forms of silence, the one imposed from the top, the one that prefers sunny talk of blue ribbon awards, AP course loads, and merit scholars — and hence discourages awareness and assistance to students who still need to learn how to do their best — is the more pernicious.
The school board and Churchill need to reverse the climate of silence from top to bottom. Everything should be on the table, including hiring new administrators and teachers who have the competency, experience, and persona to be credible. A new performance standard would require the county and Churchill to become known not just for high grades and rankings, but for being in the corner of every student — and demonstrating how students and teachers can be engaged and improve their education. That would render any future offers of grades for pay an insult.
It would be a far, far better thing than the school board and Churchill have done before.
Steven L. Katz, Potomac

1 comment:

  1. I DONT condone what happened at Churchill. However, I, like many, do get a little feeling of satisfaction when somebody is able to "stick it to the man." When I heard they stole passwords and changed grades, it was already something I'd seen in movies several times. So it wasn't even a shock. I actuually said out loud..."Awesome! Someone really did it finally!"

    Naturally, its abhorrent at the same time. But the parents and the school made these kids, didnt teach them the values to do differently; and now wonders why something like this happens.

    99% of them are going to college. Tomorrow's leaders. Not a whole lot different than todays.


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