
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Resolving the Food Fight: A Community Forum on Lunch Trays and Healthy Schools

The Young Activist Club of Piney Branch Elementary School's PTA is delighted to let you know that our esteemed State Senator Jamie Raskin along with County Councilmember Valerie Ervin have agreed to speak at a timely community forum on the YAC's proposal to fund a pilot dishwasher project at PBES. We invite you to join us that night.

Please hold the date of
Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010
from 7-8:30 pm
Resolving the Food Fight: A Community Forum on Lunch Trays and Healthy Schools
at the Piney Branch Elementary School, All-Purpose Room, 7510 Maple Ave, Takoma Park.
For breaking news and updates about the Pilot Dishwasher Project, visit our website at  (Check out our newest additions, the Feb 2010 Rebuttal to MCPS and the musical video of “Goodnite Styrene”) and also please friend us ( yes its true!) on our Facebook page, “Young Activist Club.”

Photo of one day's styrofoam trays for one school from the YAC Photo Gallery.

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