
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why is Weast signing for Board on Cell Tower Leases?

The Parents' Coalition has obtained 4 leases for the placement of cell phone towers on Montgomery County Public School land. There is no evidence in Board of Education minutes of any Board discussion, public comments, or Board votes on the placements of these towers. However, each of the leases shows a signature line for the "Board of Education of Montgomery County".  In place of the signature of the President of the Board of Education we see the signature of Superintendent Jerry Weast.

When did the MCPS Board of Education delegate their signature authority to Superintendent Weast for the placement of cell phone towers on school sites?

What is notable is that when a proposal is made for the placement of a cell phone tower on a school site there is no discussion or vote by the elected Board of Education members. Therefore, there is no notice to the public or opportunity for the general public to comment on these leases.  All "public" discussion of these leases has been confined to limited PTA meetings.   

Why aren't cell tower leases being discussed, voted on, and signed by the MCPS Board of Education? 

2006 Lease for Daly Elementary School:

2002 Lease for Woodwards Road Elementary School Site:

2004 Lease for Woodwards Road Elementary School Site:

2009 Lease for Woodwards Road Elementary School Site:

1 comment:

  1. Did the Board of Appeals approve this Woodwards Rd. cell site?
    Where's the document posted on the BOA webpage to show conditions for approval?
    Where has People's Counsel Klauber been,especially in that case, but also in other public school cell tower cases?
    Has he ever appeared before the Planning Board, the Board of Appeals, or the Hearing Examiner to protect the health/safety/property/community interests of the residents over the financial interests of the contracting parties?


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parentscoalitionmc AT