
Sunday, April 11, 2010

"I think we've completely lost sight of common sense."

...There are several reasons why the county's student school board members should not have expanded voting rights, said Sen. Rona E. Kramer (D-Dist. 14) of Olney.
Students rely on their teachers for grades, she said, so if student board members voted against a matter that affected teachers, their grades could be affected.
Another pressure could come from parents, Kramer said. If the student school board member goes to a friend's house, the parents could lean on the student to vote in favor of proposals that could help their neighborhood, she said.
"That's a lot of pressure on a student," Kramer said. "I think we've completely lost sight of common sense. These students are elected by 12-year-olds. We're going to allow a person not elected by the taxpayers to vote on a $2 billion budget?"
In addition to the concerns expressed by Delegate Rona Kramer, there is the issue that the MCPS Student Member of the Board of Education is only elected from the group of students who have certain grade point averages and obtain the signature of their school principal. All MCPS high school students are not able to run for this position.  

And, the MCPS Student Board of Education member is "supervised" by an employee of Superintendent Jerry Weast creating a serious conflict of interest. That MCPS supervisor uses Operating Budget funds via a MCPS procurement card to buy perks for the student government officers.

The Student Member of the Board of Education is far from an independent voice for all MCPS students and more like an extension of the Superintendent. 

Board of Education members are supposed to be the body that oversees the Superintendent and the school system. Under the current election process and Superintendent's supervision of the position, the integrity of the Student Member of the Board of Education position as an independent voice for students has been seriously compromised.

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