
Monday, April 5, 2010

Parents Coalition Annual Senior Fee Survey

How much does it cost to graduate from your local high school?  Does zip code matter?

Fees vary, and it appears that the highly impacted schools - Blair, Northwood, Wheaton, and Watkins Mill, charge more to graduate than green zone schools like BCC and Churchill.  Curious, isn't it?

Here is the listing of graduation fees charged by MCPS High Schools across the county for 2009 and 2010:

Senior Dues

Major correction to the table: 

The fee for Blair High School is incorrect.  Contrary to information supplied by MCPS, Blair's mandatory senior dues DOES NOT include the cap, gown, and tassel.  MCPS provided the table, however, information from Blair High School is more specific about the charges. 

Is it fair?  Absolutely not.  Is it legal?  No.  Stay tuned to this blog for more.


  1. While it is evident that most of the schools that charge a senior fee include costs for cap and gown (excluding the assertion that Montgomery Blair does not), the other noticible difference is that the PTSAs at the "green zone" schools probably contribute money to the schools that can be used to subsidize many activities, such as senior picnics, etc. PTSA participation is low in the "red zone" schools (of which Blair is a flag ship), providing no PTSA funding for such events placing the costs directly upon the seniors. Of course they could just cut out any extras and just go with the MCPS funded venue an call it a day. The green zone sschools would still enjoy thier extras, thanks to their PTSAs, but the red zone schools, as usual, are relegated to second/third tier status.

    Ask the PTSA at Churchill how much money they gave to the school, then ask the same of the PTSA at Montgomery Blair.

  2. You're kidding right? PTSA's are secret clubs. They don't release their finances.
    Churchill's PTSA doesn't have to "give" any money to the school. The Churchill Principal is collecting fees right and left from students - $2 million in one year! Far beyond what any other MCPS high school collects. She doesn't need any PTSA money. She has her own supply of fees coming in. Remember Churchill HS charges students for textbooks - still. That means the Principal can use the county allotment of textbook money for other uses.

  3. We have had a question about the $2 million in fees collected in one year at Churchill High School referenced in the above comment.

    A MCPS report on IAF accounts and has been made available to the public by the Parents' Coalition has previously detailed that fact. For those that have not read the report, here is the link:

    See page 9 of the report that shows how much each high school collected in fees for the one year. Churchill HS was far and above all other MCPS high schools in the amount of all fees collected, almost $500,000 more than Whitman HS.


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