
Sunday, April 25, 2010

State’s teachers praise national overhaul of standards -

State’s teachers praise national overhaul of standards -

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Electrifying quotes from the Baltimore Sun Article:
"New tests will replace the Maryland State Assessments and the High School Assessments as soon as 2013, according to state schools Superintendent Nancy S. Grasmick."

"Grasmick said the standards will be more rigorous. Algebra will have to be taught by eighth grade; while most suburban school systems already do so, a much smaller percentage of city students learn algebra then."

What does this mean for the "Seven Keys" and the "80 by 2010" oops, make that "80 by 2014?" Will the glossy brochures have to be re-written? The videos re-made?

1 comment:

  1. Are the tests changing, AGAIN, because they need to be changed, or because we are starting to get too much history on these tests?

    Like all assessments that have come before you change every 6 or 7 years to precisely to prevent viewing real progress over time.

    MSPAP, CTBS, MSA, Functional, HSA, IMAP, Alt MSA, Mod MSA, Terra Nova,...

    Bob Astrove


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