
Monday, May 17, 2010

Budget Deal Has Been Cut, Source Claims

Heard on the street: The County Council has "cut a deal" with MCPS about the budget.

What is it? What does it involve? Furloughs, layoffs, or something else? Will MCPS get the "full amount it has in mind," or something less?

When do taxpayers and employees find out about this secret deal, negotiated in private?

Perhaps Tuesday? at the County Council Education Committee meeting?

Stay tuned. The ED committee meeting will be televised live at 1:00 on County Cable Montgomery.


  1. Did I just hear Nancy Floreern say that the worksession concerning Montgomery County Public Schools has been removed from the agenda?

    ???? What's up? Is the ED committee meeting still happening?

    Or are they still negotiating "the deal" behind closed doors?

  2. According to County Council agenda, the ED committee meeting scheduled for today at 1:00 has been CANCELLED.

  3. From the online Washington Post:
    "President Nancy Floreen (D-At Large) had said an agreement on the contentious question of school funding would be disclosed Tuesday, but it wasn't."

  4. Will the budget deal be worked out before Nancy Floreen's May 19th fundraiser?

    Patron $500, Sponsor $1000, and Host $4,000


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