
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cabin John: We've been Duped!

Yes, you have!

This is the message on a sign on the fence outside the construction site for the new Cabin John Middle School. Just last week this community saw that the plans for the new school had been radically changed. The community was alerted by the pouring of concrete into forms along the sidewalk. See the result below.

The school is now going to sit 12 to 14 feet above street level. At the street level a 12 to 14 foot retaining wall will hold the dirt for the school site in place. Above that will be a black metal fence 4 feet high. Total height of this wall will be 16 to 18 feet above the sidewalk.

This wasn't the plan for the site that was reviewed by the community. When did the plan change? Who approved the changes? How much will the construction of this massive retaining wall that covers much of the perimeter of this site cost? Where is the funding for this massive change in the plans for this school site coming from - the County Council or the State of Maryland?

These photographs show the huge retaining wall that is being constructed along the side of the Cabin John Middle School site that borders the Georgetown Hill Early Childhood Center. Will bungee jumping be a new activity at the pre-school?


  1. Who does the BOE think they are? Why the secrecy? Why a wall????


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