
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Council: Freeze all pay, preserve AAA, save $7 mill, equitable furloughs

Council News - Press Release
May 4, 2010
Council Indicates Intent to Freeze Pay, End Imputed Pension Adjustments and Support Equitable Furloughs
ROCKVILLE, Md., May 4, 2010— In actions reflecting the County’s severe fiscal situation, the Montgomery County Council today unanimously indicated its intent to freeze all employee pay in the coming fiscal year, FY11.  The Council also unanimously adopted resolutions indicating its intent to reject all provisions in the collective bargaining agreements with County unions that have a fiscal impact on the County.  These actions signal the Council’s determination to maintain the County’s AAA bond rating while preserving essential services during the worst fiscal crisis in the County’s history.
The Council also unanimously indicated its intent to enact Expedited Bill 16-10, which would eliminate the continuation of the imputed pension adjustment beyond the current fiscal year, saving taxpayers an estimated $7 million a year.
With respect to employee furloughs, the Council unanimously supported the principle of equitable treatment of all employees of all agencies serving County residents and directed its staff to provide a range of furlough options for review...
Continues here.

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