
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Montgomery beginning to look at schools to share budget pain | Washington Examiner

Montgomery beginning to look at schools to share budget pain | Washington Examiner

From the County Council:
"We have to find some equity across the system, and not just for government employees but for all employees," said Council Vice President Valerie Ervin, D-Silver Spring.

From MCPS:
"We're not considering furloughs," said school spokesman Dana Tofig.

Ok, OK, but would MCPS consider cutting up the 1,400 American Express Cards issued to staff? Or how about a travel freeze (I mean a "real" travel freeze, not a "phantom" travel freeze)? And how about taking a look at all those "contracts over $25,000" that the Board of Education routinely approves without investigation or comment?

And then there is the $10 Million Department of Communications. Maybe we could raffle off some of the Seven Keys to raise the money back that it cost to produce the Seven Keys website, Seven Keys videos, Seven Keys full-color brochures...especially since it seems like Key #4 might be recalled!

1 comment:

  1. "We"??? When did the Board of Education take up the issue of furloughs????

    Who is Dana Tofig speaking for? Certainly not the Board of Education. They haven't discussed or voted on this issue.


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