
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Berthiaume says "What is our role?"

Board of Education member Laura Berthiaume statement on FY11 MCPS Operating Budget:

"Budget is missing a crucial element...Board involvement..."

Please note, in this clip Ms Berthiaume refers to the Einstein High School Visual Art Center as "the VAC."

Board member Laura Berthiaume's statement on the FY10 Operating Budget last year.


  1. Wow! That was amazing. "why are we here." Stand up Ms. Berthiume. We at least know why YOU are there. continue to speak truth to power. Knowing what you said in your talk about next year, let's start NOW.

  2. Lets connect some dots here.

    The BOE is not involved with the budget, but they vote to blackmail the citizens of the county with the threat of a lawsuit to get more money for themselves to not scrutinize the expenditure of?

    Would someone please tell me what I'm missing here?

    Bob Astrove

  3. Thank you, Laura, for being the only clear-eyed person on the Board of Education who sees this process for what it is.

  4. What is the "VAC" she's talking about?

  5. Thanks for catching that. I added an explanation to the blog post. VAC stands for the Visual Art Center program at Einstein High School. If you search for VAC in this blog you will find out all about the program and the cut to the program made by Superintendent Jerry Weast.

  6. Think someone should start a Facebook fanpage for her: Laura Berthiaume is the only MCPS Board member who isn't a Stepford Wife.

  7. The other day BOE member Dr. Judy Docca said that the cuts to VAC were restored. Is that not true?

  8. If I were a high school student, I would write an essay on Laura Berthiaume for the contest Profile in Courage.

    Classic Jerry vs. Class Act Laura.

    Ms. Berthiaume, you're the best!

  9. The Board did not restore ANY funding to the Visual Art Center budget.

    Dr. Docca was referring to Board members' request of the school system to see what can be done to "maintain" the VAC, GIVEN the 50% cut to the program, which was NOT reversed. It consists of a restoration of 2 periods of the day (out of the fulltime teacher's position that was cut), loaned by the school Principal out of his staffing. It was not restored out of the Special Programs office that funds the other countywide magnet programs and has always funded this program.


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