
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Budget pain not over for Montgomery | Washington Examiner

Budget pain not over for Montgomery | Washington Examiner

"I think we're going to be in the same situation next year," said Councilman Mike Knapp, D-Germantown. "The best strategy this year was to reduce well below what [Leggett] proposed. We didn't do that."

He pointed to lawsuit threats from the schools system over "relatively small" financial sacrifices, predicting more of the same if the council seeks the cuts necessary for economic stability. And it would likely mean more furlough days for a county workforce frustrated by forced unpaid vacations.

1 comment:

  1. waa, waa, waa. more whining from the County Council. Councilmember Knapp, you were the President of the council for most of last year. Yet you never once said 'no' to this bloated corrupt school system machine. In fact you hid contentious decisions by placing them on the 'consent agenda' so they went through with no discussion and no public input. Unanimously, of course, because that is what this council does and did under your 'leadership.' The public school system threatened the taxpayers with lawsuits? Where were YOU? Why didn't YOU fight back. Stop whining. Do something or get out of the way for people who will.


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