
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Congrats Grads . . . and watch what you share!

Here is a new concern for those college students leaving the confines of MoCo for higher education. 

Just when we thought we'd seen the ultimate silly action by our own MoCo Board of Education when they approved the Pearson Project, into my mailbox pops this totally silly idea from UC Berkeley.   Who knew that parents need to include in their caution to college age students about not share body fluids with others advice about protecting their genetic information.  Click on the link below to find out more:
Monday, June 7, 2010 (SF Chronicle)
UC Berkeley should drop gene-test program
Jesse Reynolds
U C Berkeley is proposing to launch an unprecedented, risky experiment on
its incoming class. Under the plan, the university will send cotton swabs
to thousands of 17- and 18-year-old freshmen and transfer students, and
ask them to rub the inside of their cheeks. The returned swabs will be
analyzed for three gene variants as part of the university's annual "On
the Same Page" program, in which incoming students engage in a common
conversation, typically by reading and discussing a book.

See the entire article at:

CGS : UC Berkeley, Don't Send Those Swabs
At least MCPS isn't the only school system making silly decisions this week

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