
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Future of MontCo vocational high school uncertain | Washington Examiner

Future of MontCo vocational high school uncertain | Washington Examiner

"If Edison becomes a part of Wheaton, that's going to be a problem," said Laura Swerdlin, co-chairwoman of the county's Special Education Advisory Committee and the parent of a former Edison student. "The worry is they'll make it so high-tech that it will require higher-level courses at which these students won't be able to succeed." Swerdlin spoke for many parents long frustrated with what they perceive as Superintendent Jerry Weast's laser focus on college-bound students at the expense of those not able to or simply not interested in pursuing traditional higher education. "Our kids will be swept under the rug," Swerdlin said.

Read more at the Washington Examiner here:

1 comment:

  1. Students deserve the choice to attend Edison without being forced to attend Wheaton. No surprise that Wheaton's parents would like to annex Edison.. but what about the parents of students at the other 24 MCPS high schools? And by the way -- any Wheaton student who wants to attend Edison currently has the option to do so as does any other HS student. What is the benefit for Edison to be incorporated into Wheaton? I agree Edison is a critical component in the school system -- and thus should remain open, during the school day, as an option for all HS students -- not just Wheaton HS students. This move will completely destroy the uniqueness of Edison and what makes it so successful... 1. it is a different (separate) environment during the student's day
    2. students are in the programs by choice
    3. students meet other students from all 25 high schools that share their career interests
    4. students who struggle with traditional school find success! Creel's comment made no sense that they were "expanding options for students not as successful in traditional setup" -- by doing what? Taking a nontraditional setup that is already successful and making it a traditional high school setup ?? Don't believe for one second their stated intent...!
    THIS move will eliminate one more of the few remaining program options for students who aren't interested in, nor ready for, liberal arts at an Ivy League. Please contact the BOE and fight this proposal!!

    Read more at the Washington Examiner:


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