
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Grasmick Admits Bias in Pearson Contract

Citing an "abundance of caution", State Superintendent Nancy Grasmick recused herself from consideration of the Request for Stay filed on June 14, 2010

State Superintendent Grasmick states that:
...Because in one conversation on June 17, 2010, I discussed the substance of the Partnership Agreement with Pearson, albeit without any knowledge that this Request for Stay had been filed, I believe in an abundance of caution that I must recuse myself from making a decision on the Request for Stay...
Therefore, the Request for Stay that was to be reviewed by the State Superintendent was passed on to Deputy Superintendent John Smeallie who denied the request. 

The Request for Stay will now be reviewed by the State Board of Education on an expedited basis.

6/30/2010 UPDATE: The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) public relations office confirms that State Superintendent Nancy Grasmick's recusal was based on a phone call that she made to Pearson Education, Inc. on June 17, 2010 to inquire about any potential problems with the MCPS contract with Pearson Education, Inc., as MSDE also has a contract for testing with Pearson Education, Inc.


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