
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Is your Cluster Overcrowded?

Here is the report by Bruce Crispell of Montgomery County (MD) Public Schools (MCPS) to be presented to the MoCo Planning Board for approval on June 17. 

Is your school overcrowded?  Check the table in this document to find out. The measure of over-capacity, according to the County Growth Policy, is 105% (portables not included).  If the cluster exceeds 120% a moratorium on development in that cluster must be in force.  Eight school clusters exceed the 105% ceiling; one school cluster, Richard Montgomery, exceeds the 120% ceiling.

Our new Planning Board chair is Ms. Francoise Carrier.  Planning Board members are: Norman Dreyfuss, Joseph Alfandre, Amy Presley, and Marye Wells-Harley.

To contact the Planning Board, send an email to  Better yet, attend the meeting yourself! The Planning Board meets at 8787 Georgia Avenue in Silver Spring.  Read the June 17 agenda here.  The School Test will be discussed and voted on as part of the discussion on the Adequate Public Facilities Discussion, Agenda Item #8.

Growth Policy School Test for FY2011 PB 6-17-10[1]

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