
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"‘It will cost you money, and you will lose.'"

...Suzanne L. Rotbert, an attorney with Samek and Rotbert LLC in Gaithersburg, said she reviewed the education article in the Maryland State code and found a clear mandate for the county to review an application and render a decision within 120 days, regardless of deadlines.
"Because it's so clearly in the law, we called the county before we sent the appeal and said, ‘look, this is so stupid,'" she said. "‘It will cost you money, and you will lose.'"
She offered to drop the appeal if the board would simply review Ross' application, but they declined, she said.
Ross' appeal went to the state, which has yet to rule on the appeal, a Maryland Department of Education spokesman said...


  1. § 9-110. Public charter school policy.

    (a) In general.-

    (1) Each county board shall develop a public charter school policy and submit it to the State Board.

    (2) The policy required under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall include guidelines and procedures regarding:

    (i) Evaluation of public charter schools;

    (ii) Revocation of a charter;

    (iii) Reporting requirements; and

    (iv) Financial, programmatic, or compliance audits of public charter schools.

    (b) Contact person.- The Department shall designate a staff person to function as a contact person for the Maryland Public Charter School Program.

    [2003, ch. 358.]

  2. § 9-104. Public charter school - Application.

    (a) In general.-

    (1) An application to establish a public charter school shall be submitted to the county board of the county in which the charter school will be located.

    (4) (i) Except as provided in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, the county board shall review the application and render a decision within 120 days of receipt of the application.

    (ii) For a restructured school:


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