
Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's Weast's Way or the Highway...

Here is Superintendent Jerry Weast's rejection of two Charter School applications. 

What school system is he referring to when he makes statements like the one below? MCPS takes native speakers in language immersion programs all the time! Is this "model" being followed in all of the MCPS immersion programs? 
Foreign language immersion, for instance, is a highly complex strategy that is best used with students who are not native speakers of the target language. Foreign language immersion typically involves teaching other disciplines in the target language and students usually are immersed in the target language for all or most of their instructional day. The model requires translated instructional materials in science, social studies, fine arts, and reading, and requires teachers who are fluent in the target language and certified and trained to teach many contents.
Most interesting is that Superintendent Weast notes that two of the people involved in one Charter School application are MCPS employees. He then goes on to criticize their proposal.  Does he really have that little confidence in his own employees? 

Any guesses as to how the Board of Education will vote on Tuesday? 

8.0 Charter School Applications  


  1. The 10 page MCPS memo, condensed for you:
    1. MCPS doesn't think the proposed schools wouldn't be rigorous enough.
    2. MCPS doesn't like the proposed facility space.
    3. MCPS educational theories are better than the proposed ones.
    4. MCPS doesn't care about turning down $1 million dollars in state grant money that would flow into Montgomery County if we were to approve these applications.

  2. What a difference a state makes!

    Here is NY's response to charter schools:


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