
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wall Street Journal: 2009 Pearson Profits Up 46%

The Wall Street Journal called it: in a March 2, 2010 article, Education Unit Helps Lift Pearson's Net Profit, writer Paul Sonne stated that:

The education division's growth could be boosted in the U.S. in the coming year as 48 states develop common core education standards for math and language arts as part of a voluntary state-led effort encouraged by the White House, Ms. Scardino said.

The implementation of core standards would reduce the burden Pearson faces in adapting materials to individual state requirements. It could also open up an opportunity for Pearson to win a new contract measuring the progress of that common-standards initiative. The degree to which Pearson will reap benefits depends on how many states ultimately opt into the common standards and how specific they are.

Now that Pearson owns the MCPS "brand," how much will their profits increase for 2010? 2011? Read the whole Wall Street Journal article HERE, and stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Is there a way to find out if the Board of Education members who voted for this and are 100% responsible for this contract, own stock in Pearson?


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