
Friday, June 25, 2010

"...we don't know what the downsides are..."

School system to respond to curriculum deal challenge

Critic calls for more time to review Pearson contract

School News | Marcus Moore
...Overall, county parents aren't concerned about the details of the contract or the speed at which it was approved, said Ted Willard, co-chairman of the curriculum committee for the Montgomery County Council of PTAs.
Rather, he said, parents have questions about whether the curriculum being developed will be better than the one that's already in elementary schools.
Also, Willard said, the contract with Pearson is unclear on how long school system administrators would be away from the county to help the company develop the curriculum.
"The contract uses the word ‘reasonable' a lot," he said. "I don't know what would be considered reasonable."
Some parents would have liked to have a review period to learn more details of the contract, Willard said. Until then, several questions remain.
"There's some upside to [the deal]; there's some downside to it," he said. "The downsides are that we don't know what the downsides are."...

1 comment:

  1. 'Conty parents' may not be concerned (apparently my family excluded from that). However, county taxpayerse who foot the bill are plenty concerned. We taxpayers are paying for an off-the-books school system and now the board of education has sold something we ALREADY paid for, which would be our marks, logo, etc. 'Parents' are not the only stakeholders. We are all paying through the nose for this.


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