
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Weast Chief gets deal backwards?

WTOP: Md. county makes curriculum marketing deal
ROCKVILLE, Md. - Has a local county school system come up with a brilliant marketing strategy in order to bridge a budget gap or is your child's education for sale? 
...Edwards flatly denied that taxpayer money is being used to help Pearson make a buck. 
"Pearson's going to be investing to provide additional positions for Montgomery County Public Schools," he says...
Looks like MCPS Chief of Staff Brian Edwards might have gotten the Pearson Education, Inc. deal backwards. MCPS has received no dollars from Pearson, and yet Superintendent Weast already hired 4 curriculum writers to work with Pearson.

Looks like taxpayers are already on the hook for about $800,000 in salary and benefits with zero income from this deal.

1 comment:

  1. Another blog has a few things to say about this deal:


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