
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

MCPS Teacher: Has success for every student now fallen to a new low?

The Washington Post: Class Struggle - Extra Credit: Are we dumbing down 9th grade physics?
Dear Dr. Weast:
I am a retired MCPS teacher; I taught Physics at both Kennedy H.S. and Whitman H.S. until the time that I retired in 2005. After retirement I have, on occasion, tutored Physics students.
When the 9th grade Physics curriculum was introduced I opposed it on the grounds that Physics should be taught at a higher mathematical level. While tutoring students in both grades 9 and 11/12 I see that this is true; students in 11th grade learn rigorous Physics with mathematical applications while students in 9th grade usually do descriptive worksheets. I believe that it unfair that students in 9 th grade receive the same honors credit for what is promoted as the same curriculum but is not the same...
...I recently looked on the MCPS website and I see that the review for semester A Physics 2010 is now releasing the questions, worth 15 % of the exam, in advance. These are specific questions, not topic guidelines. Any teacher can give the answers the day before the test and the answers will be regurgitated word for word on test day. Has success for every student now fallen to a new low--that the QUESTIONS are given in advance of the test. This exam, and its lack of academic controls, has made a mockery of academic achievement.
Michael Feinberg
Montgomery County

Read letter HERE.

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