
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"school board that backs [Weast] up without question"

Letters from readers | Washington Examiner

Taxpayers are weary of Weast's demands Re: "MontCo schools chief on the way out," July 18
For several years, I have been dismayed at Dr. Jerry Weast's repetitive raids on Montgomery County's treasury. The school budget now comprises over 50 percent of the total county budget.
His arrogance in pressing his excessive demands with a school board that backs him up without question sets a new standard for hubris, while other county services -- including the libraries -- have been starved.
Apparently Dr. Weast has no concept of the county's present budgetary crisis, nor is he willing to make other than the minimal concessions. I hope that the citizens of Montgomery County finally wake up and demand that his outrageously priced contract not be renewed.
Nelson Marans
Silver Spring

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

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