
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Weast Speaks in Portland, Oregon, this August

Jerry Weast, Superintendent, is scheduled to speak in PORTLAND, OREGON, on Friday August 20, 2010, at the ECS National Forum on Education Policy.

3:15 PM -- 5:00 PM

Starting Strong by Building Effective PreK to Grade 3 Systems (session #345)
This special session supported by Pre K-Now, a campaign of the Pew Center on the States, will address how states and districts can build college and workforce readiness by enacting policies that strengthen teaching and learning in preschool and the early grades. Session highlights include:

Keynote address from Dr. Jerry Weast, Superintendent of Montgomery County Schools, Maryland (Featured in the new book, Leading for Equity: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Montgomery County Public Schools, by Stacey M. Childress, Denis P. Doyle and David A. Thomas)Pre-k policy experts from the Pew Center on the States share best practices
Commissioners' Panel on current state efforts and challenges
Facilitated group discussion: Making PK-3 a Reality in My State.

Staff reports to MCPS on August 23rd. Wouldn't you think that the Superintendent of Schools would need to be in town the week before school starts, ensuring that everything is shipshape and ready to go?

Oh...and p.s. Guess who's one of the sponsors of this conference? That's right.....Pearson.

Lyda Astrove, Candidate, Board of Education
Lyda Astrove for BOE, Gerald Heupel, Treasurer

1 comment:

  1. Wonder if anyone is going to mention that we don't have Pre-K countywide in Montgomery County.

    Doubt it. At the presentations that Weast gave in Washington D.C. recently the impression the audience was given was that all of Montgomery County had PRE-K programs for ALL children and that these programs had been in place for over a DECADE.

    I guess the jokes on "Pew."


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