
Monday, August 16, 2010

ABC7: Parents Coalition questions turf costs at WJHS

ABC 7's Julie Parker reports: 

Parents Coalition questions turf costs at WJHS

P.S. In the process of pulling together information for this news story, the Parents' Coalition learned that the beautiful, brand new sod that was put on the Walter Johnson High School football field last summer was pulled up and thrown in dumpsters. The "weather" that MCPS now claims prevented them from "relocating" the WJ sod is called winter. When MCPS pulled up the sod it was January and the sod had already been frozen. No big surprise that it went right into dumpsters as trash. 

And what about the underground sprinkler system that was installed for one football season? "Relocated" or trash?

1 comment:

  1. Trashing sod from our MoCo Ag Reserve sod farmers is business as usual from this Board of Education, which is not a county entity and has no interest in our county. On the one hand our county government claims to protect and encourage the economy of the Ag Reserve, and an alien entity, the Board of Education, trashes our farmers and our Ag Reserve. Steve Silverman, care to make a statement?


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