
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fact or Fiction? MCPS said "We saved about 80% of the sod."

On May 11, 2010, Board of Education   member Phil Kauffman (click link and see video at 4:37:09) asked MCPS Director of Facilities James Song the following question with regard to the Walter Johnson High School artificial turf project: 

"I have a question. When we were discussing the process, for Walter Johnson we were discussing removing a sprinkler system that had been installed and moving it to another school. Can you tell us how all of that played out?..."

The answer from MCPS Director of Facilities James Song included the following statement:

"We saved about 80% of the sod."

But in the August 16, 2010 ABC7 news story on the "relocating" of the brand new sod at Walter Johnson High School, that's the new sod that was removed to make way for an artificial turf field, the response from MCPS was:

"...And they acknowledge the grass field couldn't be recycled, as originally planned, because the weather prevented them from laying the sod down at Wheaton High School."
Which was it Superintendent Weast?  

Was the beautiful new sod football field, that had been used for only one football season at Walter Johnson High School, "relocated" to Wheaton High School, or was the beautiful new sod ripped up and hauled off in a dumpster?


  1. Isn't that the man who lied non-stop with the Cabin John Middle School wall? /Vovak for Montgomery County Executive!

  2. I think MCPS hires people on the basis of their ability to lie.

  3. The documents that pertain to the storage of the Walter Johnson High School sod that was removed from WJ have been requested from MCPS via a Maryland Public Information Act request. We will post the results of this inquiry when received.


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