
Monday, August 30, 2010

MCPS Student Hasn't Heard of Weast

Now this is a little backwards isn't it? 

Shouldn't our students know who is running their school system before the rest of the country knows? 

Maybe all that out of state and overseas travel that Superintendent Weast has done and continues to do cuts into his time with MCPS students? 

The Washington Post:  Outgoing Montgomery Superintendent welcomes students back to school
..."It's great to see all my friends," said Tamaro Collins, 15, a sophomore. But, he said of Weast, "I haven't heard of him," nor did he expect a new superintendent to affect his daily life...


  1. Its ridiculous to expect a ninth grader to know who the superintendent is. They don't even know who the principal is until the second month of the school year.

    Lets see people name the superintendent of their school system when they were in ninth grade.

  2. If this student has been in MCPS for his entire education Weast has been his Superintendent for his entire school experience.

    Weast is an internationally known education speaker. Why wouldn't the students in his own district know who he was after 11 years?

  3. @ "Anonymous 9:58"...there are not a lot of ninth graders who care about "internationally known education speakers." How many adults can name their own representatives in Congress (either house or senate)? To get worked up about this is nonsensical.


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