
Friday, September 24, 2010

Blair HS English: Less textbook material

Silver Chips: English department releases new curriculum
Twelfth grade English curriculum to include different books and prepare students for college

by Eli Schwadron, Staff Writer

The English department launched their new curriculum for 12th grade regular, Honors and Advanced Placement (A.P.) English classes this school year, which consists of broader themes as well as units designed to prepare seniors for college. The curriculum change was intended to give students a larger worldview and focus less on strictly textbook material. Although it was piloted last spring, the curriculum did not take effect for all grade 12 English classes until this school year..
...The “Searching for Meaning” unit includes time spent on college essays, with the intention to prepare students for life after high school... 
...“Metamorphosis,” a novel by Franz Kafka, is a new addition to the Honors English curriculum and also serves as a guide for senior students. “Metamorphosis is important because it’s story about a man who hates his job,” Clay said...

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