
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Board of Education Work Plan

The Board held a work session August 26, 2010 8:30-12:30*. They were scheduled to sort through proposals for the Board 2010-2011 agenda, and vote for up to six of them. Both BOE members and the MCPS administration made agenda proposals for consideration.

That's not what happened. Instead, Andrew Gelber of the Panasonic Foundation facilitated a discussion on the purpose of a work session and the criteria for Board (and Committee) agenda topics. Most of the Board said that this discussion was necessary and worthwhile; one Board member said she was "completely frustrated."

I believe that an ad hoc committee (Brandman, Chair, Berthiaume, O'Neill) will reexamine the proposed agenda items in light of the criteria, and suggest how the Board should proceed. It's not known if the Board will take up the Work Plans on September 16, 2010.

While that's interesting, its fodder for another feast. These attached proposed agenda items indicate what the Board and administration think the Board should be talking about.

What do you think?

Board of Education Work Plan
Board of Education Work Topics

Board of Education Work Plan as suggested by Superintendent and MCPS staff:
Board Work Topics Suggested by Weast & Staff

Frederick Stichnoth

*Please note that this Board of Education session was held off camera and is not available for reviewing by video on the Board of Education website.

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