
Monday, September 20, 2010

Council & Board Off Camera Lunch Tues. Sept 21st

On Tuesday, September 21, 2010 the Montgomery County Board of Education will be meeting off camera with the Montgomery County Council. There will not be a video record or transcript made of this meeting.
The agenda for this lunch meeting is unknown as neither body has disclosed what will be discussed. The Board of Education doesn't even disclose that they will be attending the lunch meeting on their calendar. The only hint of the meeting is on the County Council's Agenda

The meeting is at noon on Tuesday on the 5th floor of the Montgomery County Council office building at 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville. 

If lunch is catered, as it has been in the past, it is unclear who is paying. Is this a taxpayer funded joint lunch? No one has ever disclosed who pays for the spread at these events. 

Stop by and see what the two elected bodies chat about over sandwiches and sodas! 

See past video of County Council - Board of Education lunches: 

1 comment:

  1. Regarding Weast's comments about the Edison, Wheaton, WM grant at this luncheon: I am so extremely frustrated that this man gets away with lies, half-truths, pandering, and game play and no one calls him on the carpet!
    It reminds me of Congress - discussing things no one has actually read - if all around this table read the grant proposal, they would know he is lying. I have read the entire grant regarding Edison, Wheaton, WM, etc. and it does NOT say what he just said it's focus is.... This man has done NOTHING to promote Edison and has NO interest in anything "vocational" - in fact, this may be the first time I have ever heard him say the word. The grant is about an ill-devised plan to "save" Wheaton HS. Edison is a great school with great programs that has served MCPS HS students well for 27 years! Ms. O'Neill - the 27 year average enrollment is 650 -- last year's enrollment was 647 -- so how does that equate to "underenrolled" ? However, we would like to increase our enrollment -- the question that is never asked is: WHY is our enrollment declining? There are many truthful answers to this question but not ONE of them is about the quality or relevance of the programs.
    Thank you Elrich and Docca for speaking up for Edison!


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