
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fact Check: MCPS 13th in Graduation Rate in Maryland

UPDATE: See updated post on September 9, 2010.


On June 9, 2010, the MCPS Public Information Office put out a press release that had the following title:  

MCPS is Number One in High School Graduation Rate 

What did that title really mean? 

The MCPS headline was based on an Education Week report that ranked the 50 largest public school systems in the country based on 2007 numbers.  The press release for the Education Week report started out like this:
Progress on Graduation Rate Stalls
1.3 Million Students Fail to Earn Diplomas

Report Identifies Epicenters of the Dropout Crisis;
Examines Data-Driven Strategies to Boost Graduation

WASHINGTON, June 10, 2010—A new national report from Education Week and the Editorial Projects in Education (EPE) Research Center finds that the nation’s graduation rate has dropped for the second consecutive year, following a decade of mostly solid improvements. Although the latest decrease is considerably smaller than that found the previous year, the report shows that, on a national scale, 11,000 fewer students will earn diplomas. These new findings raise cause for concern, as those who fail to finish high school will face far greater hardships than their graduating peers, particularly during a period of economic instability...

Meanwhile here in Maryland - MCPS' graduation rate was 13th out of 24 public school systems in 2009 based on information released by the Maryland State Department of Education.  

Here is the 2009 ranking of Maryland public school systems by graduation rate. You can see where MCPS falls on the list. 

9/9/10 Note this chart has been corrected to show MCPS in the 11th place position. Thanks to MCPS' Public Information Office for proofing this ranking!

MCPS Graduation Rate 2009

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