
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

For the 1st time in 11 years...Jerry Weast's Contract

In other public school jurisdictions the Superintendent's contract is a public document that is brought before the Board of Education and available to the public when approved by the Board. But not here in Montgomery County, that is, until today. We filed a Maryland Public Information Act request for Superintendent Weast's contract and it finally arrived.

After 11 years, Superintendent Jerry Weast's contract is finally public.

For the first time ever in Montgomery County, we present Superintendent Jerry Weast's contract and its amendments:

Superintendent Jerry Weast's Contract


  1. Do we know whether Weast got a 3% raise this year?

  2. Bravo, Parents Coalition, for having brought this contract into the sunlight!!! Where is the part of the document that contains “First Amendment Between the Montgomery County Board of Education and Dr. Jerry D. Weast”? Note #5 of the 11 Feb 2003 Contract Amendment references deletion of both ¶ IV and “First Amendment Between the Montgomery County Board of Education and Dr. Jerry D. Weast.”

  3. Jerry Weast needed to be able to take outside consulting jobs because?? We weren't paying him enough to be a full-time Superintendent?

  4. So, how many private consulting engagements outside his regular employment has he accepted?


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parentscoalitionmc AT