
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gazette: Open forum: Lloyd responds to reader's questions

I appreciated reading the concerns of Patricia Downey ["Candidate leaves voters wanting more information," Sept. 29] about my candidacy for the at large seat on the Board of Education. I would like to reply to her concerns... continues HERE. 


  1. Ask some of the candidates if they know what credit reclamation is in high schools and if they support having kids get credit who don't retake the course they failed or attend any type of summer school or after school course.

  2. To Anonymous: the closest thing I could find to "credit reclamation" on the MCPS website was the following form for "reinstatement of credit:"

    Is "credit reclamation" something different?

    Are you saying that it is possible for a student who receives an F in a class (as a final grade) to somehow turn it into a passing grade without retaking it, attending summer school or after school course?

  3. Exactly right. Credit reclamation is a high school student getting credit for a course they failed without retaking the course.

  4. Students make up some assignments from a course they failed, in some cases years prior, and get credit from the school for passing the course.


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