
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pat O'Neill Sends "smoke signal" on Budget to County Council

MontCo schools expecting enrollment to jump by 10,000 | Washington Examiner

School board President Patricia O'Neill said agreeing on an operating budget would be more challenging than lobbying for state money because "anyone who thinks we can get away with less [funding] is smoking something."

Read more HERE:


  1. That's right! MCPS staff are not going to give up shopping without Board approval! And certainly not going to give up their credit cards that they use for lunch and dinner purchases charged to taxpayers.

    What fun would it be to have a job where you can't just go out and buy $13 million worth of Promethean Boards without telling the Board of Education?

    And thank past Board President Nancy Navarro for tens of millions in long term leases to buy all sorts of things. Taxayers will be paying off that debt for years. And what did we buy?

  2. A National Board Certified TeacherOctober 14, 2010 at 9:27 AM

    Don't think it is the classroom teachers spending this. Don't think that MCPS will continue to attrack and maintain high quality teachers if they are continually not compensated for their years of service. While parents might bemoan the "state of MCPS" realize that compared to the rest of the country our system is top-notched! There are definitely improvements that need to be made to get us to the level of our neighboring counties, but those improvements will take MONEY! Most teachers have not only bachelor degrees, but also Master's degrees and various certificates above that, including National Board certifications. Yes, we expect to be compensated for the work we do, AND if parents want more from the school district teachers, then you should expect to pay for it, just like any other service you receive.
    99% of teachers went in to education to help students learn, and we want to work with the parents to make sure that happens. However, parents must remember that we are the trained professionals and want to work WITH us. Just as you probably wouldn't tell a dentist how to fill your cavity, you shouldn't be telling a teacher how to teach in his/her classroom. Realize that we want the best, but when teachers have to work 2 jobs just to make ends meet (not to mention not being able to afford to live in the county we teach in) that is time taken away from planning instruction for your child.

  3. Well hello teachers! If you want to be compensated then why does your Union SIT at the budget table and watch as MCPS spends many millions of dollars on tech toys without Board approval or discussion?

    Your Union has sat by and watched as Promethean Boards ate up your pay raises. That's what you wanted INSTEAD of pay raises, right?

    Your Union is at the MCPS Budget table. THIS is the budget that YOU want.

    By the way, when are those secret budget meetings? Why isn't the MCPS Budget put together in PUBLIC at the Board of Education table? Because the teachers' Union likes the behind the scenes deals?

    Teachers, this is your budget. You have gotten what you want.

  4. I would be interested to hear what Nationally Board Certified Teacher thinks about the administrators in the central office using American Express cards to take themselves out to taxpayer-funded lunches and dinners at expensive restaurants? And what about the central office staff office parties at Christmas time and Birthdays, again paid for courtesy of the taxpayer's American Express Card? Shouldn't that money be going to classroom teacher pay instead?
    I'm happy to pay for quality services, whether it is a dentist filling my teeth or quality education. I'm NOT happy to pay for Central Office staff feeding their face with Honey Baked Ham.

  5. A National Board Certified TeacherOctober 14, 2010 at 10:46 AM

    I definitely think that EVERYONE in the school system should be held accountable for what they spend, from county level administrators to school level staff.
    @Anon 2--I personally voted against the current contract, so NO, this isn't what I wanted. I wanted my step increase (whether you agree with this pay system or not, this was the contract I originally agreed to) I do think that there are cheaper altenatives to the Promethean Boards that could be used instead, and when my school tried to order one, we were told to return it. I think we used effectively they are great teaching tools, but the are just tools, not the panacea which will cure all that is wrong with MCPS. However, I do agree that it could probably be done cheaper.
    @Lyda--There are business meetings that occur, however in one of my previous positions in MCPS we constantly had meetings during the school year. When I started in that position 7 years ago breakfast was always served. When I left that position 3 years ago even the hot water and teabags had disappeared. I have no problem with that, but if people are still going out and eating on the MCPS credit card it is definitely a problem that needs to be remedied. I don't think that curbing this will allow the county to fund our 2 years of step increases that it now owes us under the current pay structure, but it would definitely be a step in the right direction.
    Oh, and before anyone slams me for doing this during the school day...the first post was during a planning period, and this is now my "duty-free" lunch, but I must now go as the 4 students I need to tutor while I eat are coming into my room.

  6. National Board Certified Teacher said:
    "I have no problem with that, but if people are still going out and eating on the MCPS credit card it is definitely a problem that needs to be remedied. I don't think that curbing this will allow the county to fund our 2 years of step increases that it now owes us under the current pay structure, but it would definitely be a step in the right direction."

    Since we have no idea how much of the taxpayers money is being spent on the 1,400 personal credit cards that are floating around MCPS - remember MCPS pays the bills without getting receipts or authorizations - we have no idea how much money is being spent this way.

    The unrestricted use of MCPS credit cards is just one example of the lax attitude that MCPS has toward taxpayer funds.

    Another example would be the failure of MCPS to bid out Promethean Boards, security cameras, visitor management systems, artificial turf etc... etc...

    Start adding up all those numbers and you just might find your step increases. But there is no will on the part of the teachers Union to allow any oversight of the MCPS budget. Union leaders are at the "table" and have it all under control.

    Also at the table is MCCPTA. Parents that are part of PTAs are also complicit in the secret budget process. PTA parents are working with the Unions and MCPS administrators to keep the current pattern of unrestricted spending by administrators.

    There is no Inspector General and no oversight by any other government body, so really, what's to stop MCPS administrators from just spending as they wish?

    The silence of the teachers and PTA parents allows this pattern to continue. Teachers and students "pay the price" as class sizes will go up and teachers will face salary cuts.


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