
Saturday, October 30, 2010

PC Open Forum: Credit Reclamation

The Parents' Coalition received a comment about something called Credit Reclamation. Apparently, if a student fails a class they are permitted to petition to regain the credit without actually retaking the class. 

There does not seem to be a time limit on the petition and we have not found a MCPS policy on this practice. We do have a Loss of Credit Petition from one school, see below.

We are asking readers to weigh in. Tell us how this works. How long has this been an option in MCPS? Is it available at all schools? How often do students petition to reclaim credit? Is this available in other Maryland Counties? How about in other school districts? 

Is this a good option for students? What are your experiences with this option? 

Loss of Credit PDF


  1. I believe this is the old LC system. If you lost credit due to unexcused absences you could appeal. Most schools accepted appeals as a regular course of action- so long as students met conditions laid out by teachers and administrators. Students cannot lose credit anymore due to absences. They can only pass or fail.

  2. improvingmcps (above commenter) appears to be correct.

    The new LOC credit policy is explained in a letter from the Magruder HS principal at the following link:

  3. Credit reclamation has nothing to do with the old LC policy. Don't confuse the two. Credit reclamation refers to when a student fails a course and later receives credit for the course without retaking the course. The student does some make up work and gets credit. It was used last year in several high schools to help kids graduate.

  4. @10:39 is this used at all MCPS high schools or only at certain ones? That is, is this available to all students?

  5. It has been used in multiple high schools.

  6. Credit reclamation is back in MCPS. It's now being called credit recovery and is part of the Online Pathway to Graduation Program.

    In theory students are supposed to be taking these courses "online" with a teacher during the day. In practice some high schools continue to allow students who failed a class years ago to redo some of their work (without retaking the course) and then get credit that they use to graduate.

    Happened last year and is now happening again this year. Students fail a class as freshman/sophomores and 2-3 years later tey make up some work or assginments and then have their grade changed without ever retaking the course.


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