
Monday, October 18, 2010

Weast: "difficult site" in Silver Spring

At the February 17, 2010, Board of Education meeting, the Board was presented Superintendent Weast's plan to build a 640 capacity elementary school on a school site in a Silver Spring neighborhood.

Previously, the McKenney Hills Elementary School site held a 29,278 square foot school with 14 classrooms.

Superintendent Weast will be replacing that school with a 95,000 square foot school with 34 classrooms. The MCPS capacity of the new school will be 640 students. (That is different from the State rated capacity that puts the building at a size to hold over 700 students.) This site will be limited by only one entrance for cars, buses, service vehicles and that entrance will be shared with students walking to school. A survey of other 640+ sized elementary schools in MCPS appears to show that they have multiple entrances to separate cars from buses.

Here is the presentation (in 3 parts) that Superintendent Weast made to the Board on the plans for the new school at the McKenney Hills Elementary School site in Silver Spring, Maryland. 

Presentation of architect's plans including 3D overview (look for retaining walls- don't see them?)  (Part 1):

Discussion of Stormwater Management Plans, VOIP, green roofs (Part 2):

Discussion of Safe Access, students walking through woods, Weast says this a "difficult site" (Part 3):


  1. The PTAs seem to love these new huge schools.

  2. They will love this one until they figure out that their kids are crossing the path of buses - cars and delivery trucks to get into school each day. Then they will be back wanting a fix.

  3. Interesting sidewalk on the southeast side of the school Connects to a path used by commuters go to the subway. Anyone can walk right by the classrooms and up to the front of the school any time

  4. The State Rated capacity of this school puts it over 700 students.


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