
Friday, November 5, 2010

Apple Ballot Surprise: Bus Fees for MCPS students

Now that the election is over, the Apple Ballot candidates can get to work.

And so we see that on November 3, 2010 - just one day after the General Election, the Montgomery County Delegation led by Senator Rich Madelano sent an e-mail out from the Montgomery County Delegation announcing that the Delegation has filed a bill in Annapolis to allow MCPS to CHARGE STUDENTS A FEE TO RIDE PUBLIC SCHOOL BUSES. 

Yes, that's what you voted for on November 2nd. You just didn't know it. Surprise!

Thank the Apple Ballot for all that transparency in their agenda! Glad constituents were able to discuss this proposed legislation during the campaigns - oh that's right - they weren't because the candidates didn't reveal they had this up their sleeves.



  1. Here's the November 3rd e-mail from the Montgomery County Delegation of "education" candidates:

    From: Hartman, Sara
    Subject: Montgomery County Delegation Website Update: 5 bills posted
    To: "Hartman, Sara"
    Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 3:03 PM

    Five 2011 Montgomery County Delegation bills have been posted to the Delegation’s website. Please click on the links below for more information.
    MC 10-11 Montgomery County – Transportation of Students – Repeal of Prohibition of Fee

  2. Actually, this is the kind of fee I prefer. It is the PTA and the parents that support the apple ballot. If we don't have kids in school, why should the rest of us pay for this out-of-control outlaw "agency," MCPS. MCPS is not a county or state agency, so why should I pay taxes to support it?

  3. Someone is a little bitter their candidates didn't get elected now aren't they?

    Why should taxpayers have to pay for bus transportation for kids who CHOOSE to go to another school? Charging a fee for using a service seems pretty reasonablreasonable.

  4. @10:53: Read the proposed legislation. Doesn't say anything about "choosing".

    If a law is passed to supposedly allow the charging of bus fees it will apply to ANY student. The law proposed makes no distinction.

    In California they will take students TO school in one county, but if you don't pay the bus fee they won't take the kids home! That would work great in MCPS wouldn't it? Lots of kids left at school at the end of the day. Teachers can give them rides home? That reasonable?

  5. Here's an idea for "revenue enhancement:" MCPS staff who use parking spaces at schools should pay the same "parking permit fee" that the students pay!


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