
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Breaking: Planning Board Last Minute Reversal - Now Recommends Approval of Sale of Peary High School Site

Today, in a classic move designed to undercut the ability of the public to track what should be a public process, the Montgomery County Planning Board staff reversed their published opinion on the sale of the Peary High School site. Planning Board staff now are recommending approval of the sale based on negotiations by County Executive Ike Leggett as shown in the document below. 

Parties that were on record opposing the sale of the property were, of course, not given notice of the change of this recommendation and opportunities for public comment today on this sudden change were eliminated. 

Parties previously on record as opposing this sale include the MCPS Board of Education, Superintendent Jerry Weast, and the Montgomery County Council of PTA's.


  1. The Board of Education no longer opposes the sale. Their representative at the Planning Board hearing said as much.

  2. Sorry, the Board of Education didn't have a representative at the Planning Board hearing.

    Superintendent Jerry Weast had a representative, his demographer Bruce Crispell. But Mr. Crispell doesn't represent the Board of Education.

    Looks like Mr. Crispell spoke out of turn. The Board of Education hadn't met to discuss changing their position.

    Nice work in the back room! Let's just forget the Maryland Open Meetings Act since it isn't used anyway!

  3. Here's audio of Mr. Crispell's statement to the Planning Board.

    Now we can just eliminate the Board of Education positions entirely since they are clearly not needed. That will save taxpayers some money.

  4. And when the Board of Education met on Thursday evening to actually discuss the Peary High School deal they did NOT reverse their position of opposition to the sale.


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