
Monday, November 22, 2010

CA: ACLU case on school fees may be settled

The similarities between the MCPS "pay for education" system and what has been going on in California are amazing.  When did the fundamental right of equal access to education for all fall by the wayside in America? 

SIGN ON SAN DIEGO: ACLU case on school fees may be settled

The group wants state to make a free education free

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2010 AT 7:42 P.M.

The American Civil Liberties Union, which sued the state in September in an effort to stop schools from charging illegal fees for uniforms, locks, gym clothes, athletic “spirit packs” and other dues, may settle the case this week.
Mark Rosenbaum of the Southern California Branch of the ACLU said he could not disclose details of the expected settlement, but said one option would involve the state Board of Education taking on an enforcement role.
“The emphasis is going to be on stopping future violations and making sure there is a meaningful accountability system,” said Rosenbaum, who is litigating the case with San Diego and Northern California branches of the ACLU and the private Los Angeles firm of Morrison & Foerster...
 “The law is clear here and it is being openly flouted up and down the state,” Rosenbaum said. “A free school means a free school. Free schools are the linchpin of the American dream.”
The California Constitution guarantees a free public education...
...“Kids were being humiliated,” Rosenbaum said. “Their names were being put up on the board. Another student was denied a book for weeks while a class was ongoing and was told ‘you can’t have one but we will loan you a book but can’t underline in it or make notes.’ It was really a system of haves and have notes.”...

...But now that districts have had so much notice and for years have known charging fees to participate in activities or classes is against the law, going after refunds is appropriate, he said.
Rosenbaum would not say whether mandatory refunds would be a part of next week’s settlement.
“At this time all options are being considered,” he said.


  1. Where is the MD ACLU to work on the same issue here in Maryland? Those of us who pay our ACLU dues and are proud 'card carrying members' of the ACLU would like to know. Can someone from the MD ACLU please respond here. When will you pick up this case for the citizens of Montgomery County?

  2. Some type of enforcement and accountability tool is needed. Many teachers deplore having to collect illegal school fees but it is expected of them by administrators. They see the kids left out and watching their wealthier peers get more opportunities. I suggest that schools who charge fees must return the money and send out letters to each parent about equal access in public school.The ACLU case in California will be watched by the entire nation.


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