
Monday, November 1, 2010

Disproportionality in MCPS Special Education: Superintendent Weast has made NO PROGRESS

One of the major focus areas for MCPS for many years has been the over-representation of minorities in Special Education, often referred to as Disproportionality.  It was one of the major outcomes identified in MCPS’s “Success for Every Student Plan” dating back to the early 1990’s, and has been a major focus area of all MCPS strategic plans since.

So where have we come under Dr. Weast’s 11 years of leadership.  The short answer is NOWHERE.

In FY2000 14.7% of African American and Hispanic students were identified as disabled, and that was 3.7% higher than the rest of the MCPS population.   Today 13.9% of African American and Hispanic students are identified as needing Special Education which is 3.6% higher than the rest of the MCPS population.    

The conclusion is that over the past 11 years the over-representation of minorities has only been reduced by a statistically insignificant 0.1% (one in a thousand).  Despite a laundry list of programs, initiatives, trainings, and procedural changes we remain where we were over a decade ago.   None of Dr. Weast’s efforts in this major focus area have been effective.  Why not?  Perhaps we have not addressed the real problem?  Or, perhaps it has been a focus area in name only?

Bob Astrove

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