
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gazette: Proposed sale of former Peary High School spurs broader Montgomery council measure

Andrews bill would block lame-duck councils from approving property deals
by Margie Hyslop | Staff writer

Montgomery County Councilman Philip M. Andrews said Monday that he will introduce a measure to stop lame-duck councils from approving major property deals like the proposed sale of the former Robert E. Peary High School.
Andrews also sharply criticized County Executive Isiah Leggett (D) for pushing a proposal to sell the school and its 19.5-acre Aspen Hill campus for $1.9 million to Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy.
"I think the deal stinks; it's very bad for taxpayers," said Andrews (D-Dist. 3) of Gaithersburg.
Andrews said there seems to be little difference between the deal that Leggett is proposing and one that former county executive Douglas M. Duncan called for in 2005...
...Andrews said a ban on letting council members who are or may be leaving office approve land deals in the month before the election makes as much sense as current bans on the council making zoning or certain water and sewer service changes during that period.
Andrews also did not back off remarks, attributed to him by The Washington Post, speculating that there might be a connection between Leggett's pushing for the school sale and campaign work by a former Duncan aide to win support for charging fees for ambulance rides, which Leggett has doggedly pursued.
"I wish I could say I don't think he'd resort to things that are inappropriate, but I don't think I can say that anymore," Andrews said.
Former Duncan aide Jerry Pasternak said he is working on the campaign to approve the ambulance fee, but that he has had no conversations with Leggett, council members or executive or council staff about the school...
...Ervin, chairwoman of the Education Committee, said the action seems rushed and called for a public hearing, which will be held at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 23 in the council's third-floor hearing room, an aide to the councilwoman said.


  1. and what was the connection between Jerry Pasternak and Doug Duncan? Jack Abramoff.

  2. Jerry's children attended the Hebrew Academy in the 1990's. I know. I taught both of them.

  3. ooops...I commented before I read the story linked here and I see it's mentioned that Jerry's kids attended MJBHA. Sorry about that.

  4. How did the county allow this to happen!? I think we need to call for an investigation of all 'lease agreements' for county land and see just how far reaching JP's damage will be for the future, need I mention Yeshiva and now Peary?
    My community is bounded by 8 acres of County Land, were approached by JP and the tenant in 2009 for a redevelopment project. The proposal was 'lofty' and undesirable to our community. After 'great difficulty' getting needed info from the county officials, we were left with their 'word' that there are 'no redevelopment plans for the property'. The school housing the project is recommended in the draft Wheaton Sector Plan as 'the school' for the projected enrollment increase as Wheaton redevelopments as well as any redevelopment is subject to a settlement agreement between the county and the community from 1987.
    During discussions with the tenant and JP, acting as their lawyer, he was to 're-write' a new lease as the original had expired. When questioned abut this practice being acceptable to the county, county officials said it happens all the time!
    Wonder what that says?
    We are in the process of trying to obtain a copy of that 'new' lease to see exactly what has now been done to yet other county property.
    Talk about for the 'greater good', for who's good? Certainly not the taxpayers!
    I believe this is criminal, we need to put the county on notice and further, it makes me sick.

  5. JH, Nov 23rd at 7:30pm is a good time to make your knowledge known to the county and the community at large. That is when the council will hold a public hearing and will be taking public testimony. To testify, call 240-777-7900.


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