
Monday, November 29, 2010

What will be the State's Cut of the Peary High School Sale?

Tomorrow, November 30, 2010, the Montgomery County Council will vote to sell a 19.5 acre former public school site to a private entity for $1.9 million. That much is known for sure. Council members have stated their intentions and majority rules.

The deal has been called a win-win-win. But there's an oops that hasn't been discussed. 

Will Montgomery County get to keep any of the proceeds of this sale? 

What part of the proceeds of this sale will go to Montgomery County and what part will go to the State of Maryland? Public school land comes to each county through the State of Maryland and when the land is sold or leased the State can get their cut.

Remember last year's Maryland Reporter story on the Audit of the Board of Public Works Interagency Committee on School Construction that showed that Montgomery County OWED the State of Maryland $3.2 million in proceeds from school land transactions? Has that debt been settled yet? Will the State of Maryland be passing on any cut of the Peary High School transaction? 

And, why didn't the County Executive or County Council discuss the share owed to the State in any of their discussions of this win-win-win? 

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