
Monday, December 20, 2010

$60M or $82M (Jerry Weast Explains It All to Kojo)

Please CLICK HERE to read the transcript of Jerry Weast on the Kojo Nnamdi show last Friday, December 17th, on the Politics Hour on WAMU.

Hear Jerry Weast talk about:

"60 is gonna cost them unfortunately 82"
"I have me a lot of teachers that have daycare, and so I'm talking to them all the time because they're talking to me about the cost of daycare. And I had a group the other day, and they were telling me their spending well over a thousand dollars a month in daycare costs, not hard."
"We're audited by everybody under the sun, including our Taxpayers League."
"And we have, you know, 16, 17,000 kids in special education. It creates a lot of extra load. "
"Now, that's a heavy load for teachers but, you know, special ed children are gonna be special and adults. And we need not label them now or later."
"And I don't think our union is over powerful."

1 comment:

  1. Taxpayer's League Audit? They say no.

    Guess the MCPS PR Department will have to put out a "Fact Check" on this statement.


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