
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Budget Fact: No Board of Education in Budget Process

Board of Education member Laura Berthiaume has protested this FACT in the last two budget cycles and here it is in print one more time in this handy "Budget Fact Sheet - FY 2012."

Read this budget "Fact Sheet" to learn who does create the MCPS budget. 

The elected Board of Education is not even mentioned...



  1. Federal stimulus money was never to be used for ongoing services. If Weast used the stimulus money for ongoing services then that was mismanagement of this funding and is not the responsibility of the taxpayers of Montgomery County or Maryland.

    Weast can make up this money from one of his slush funds.

  2. So essentially the Board of Ed is admitting they have no control over their employees or their work?

  3. Sorry, Ms. Berthiaume, no sympathy for you from this quarter. Ever heard the old proverb, 'Fooled me once, shame on you, fooled me twice, shame on me?' You are on the Board of Education. You knew the timetable for the budget. That at least was no secret. Apparently even all the thousands of members of the MCCPTA knew the timetable, as the MCCPTA President was there. When the negotiations began, that is when you should have spoken out. Not now, when it is too late.


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