
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bus Fees: Senator Madaleno to Withdraw Bill

The Parents' Coalition has learned that, according to Senator Madaleno's Chief of Staff, "Senator Madaleno has decided to withdraw MC 10-11 because of advice he received from the Office of the Attorney General. They advised him that the bill, as currently written, is insufficient to provide the Board of Education with the authority to charge any bus fees. He has been in conversations with the Board of Education about this issue since last year and hopes they will be able to find alternative means to continue this service for students."


  1. This is great news. Apparently someone in our corrupt government realized this bill would not pass muster as it is illegal to charge fees for public education in the State of Maryland.

  2. This is great news. Someone in our corrupt government must have realized that it is illegal in the State of Maryland to charge fees for public schools.

  3. 5 minutes of research would have saved parents all over the county from having to respond to this proposed legislation.

  4. Amen! Now we can move on to cutting the top 100-200 administrative salaries of MCPS, instead of taking away from our students and teachers.


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