
Thursday, December 16, 2010

County Council president: 'Bad news all around for Montgomery' | Washington Examiner

County Council president: 'Bad news all around for Montgomery' | Washington Examiner

1 comment:

  1. Is this the same Valerie Ervin that gave Jerry Weast every dime he asked for, AND MORE, when she was sitting on the Board of Education, with no thought for the future?
    The chickens have come home to roost in Montgomery County, and it didn't happen overnight. It is a cumulative effect of YEARS AND YEARS of overspending in both MCPS and County Government, and Ms. Ervin has been in the thick of it all along. So spare us the fake surprise, and get to work fixing the situation. You can start by telling Mr. Weast to go back and have a "do over" of his unrealistic budget proposal.


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