
Monday, December 6, 2010

Gazette: State share from sale of former Peary High under consideration

Dec. 6, 2010 Gazette:
Montgomery County may owe the state part of the $1.9 million that the Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy is expected to pay for the former Robert E. Peary High School in Aspen Hill...
...State officials "have to go through the calculation process" to determine what proceeds Maryland might be due from the sale, David Lever, executive director of the state's public school construction program, said Monday.

What County Executive Ike Leggett told the County Council in a November 10, 2010 memorandum:
 "...The County receives nearly $2 Million during trying economic times..."


  1. Why didn't the County Executive tell the County Council that they didn't get to keep the entire $1.9 million in proceeds from this sale?

    The State has a $1.1 million investment in the Peary High School school. A school that Montgomery County said had been demolished.

  2. ...a school that the Montgomery County government told the State of Maryland government had been demolished. Based on that, State government employees worked for 3-6 months on this project under the misunderstanding that the school had been demolished.

    And thank you Gazette reporters and editors! While the Post is writing menaingless puff pieces to support MCPS county employees, the Gazette is actually reporting news.


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